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Showing posts from December, 2012

The Wii-U. Is it for me or U?

Let me just say this going in: I like Nintendo. I want them to succeed. The Good There's a lot of things that I think the Wii-U does right. The controller/screen is a pretty awesome idea, and I much prefer its modern take on a traditional interface as opposed to the scary place everyone was taking it with motion controls. You can even go as far as, with certain games, using the controller exclusively and never having to look at your television. This makes the controller more of its own separate entity rather than simply a peripheral one. I like the updated graphics and media features even though it still feels like Nintendo is just playing catch-up at this point as the original Wii really missed out with its lack of internet features. The Bad Even though I like the premise of the controller, because the Wii-U is still in its infancy stage, no one really knows how best to use the controller yet. And so far, unfortunately, it's being used badly more times than it...